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DF has the highest rate of missing persons in Brazil

Foto do escritor: Judith AragãoJudith Aragão

Atualizado: 13 de ago. de 2024

According to the Brazilian Public Security Forum, 2,594 individuals were missing in the DF last year

mulher coloca bilhete em busca de pessoa desaparecida
The country's capital is the champion in proportion of disappearances across the country

The Federal District recorded more than 92 disappearances per thousand inhabitants in 2023. The data presented by the 18th edition of the Brazilian Public Security Forum places the country's capital as the champion in terms of this type of occurrence in the entire country. At least 2,594 people were considered missing in Brasília last year. Of this number, 2,131 people were located within the state. João Carlos Berka, Executive Secretary of the Keruv Institute, warns that it is not necessary to wait 24 hours to report someone missing. "When you notice someone missing, the advice is to go to the nearest police station and file a police report. The more information, the better for the authorities' search," he explains.

Profile of missing persons in the Federal District

According to the Civil Police of the Federal District, the most common cases involve voluntary disappearances, when the person flees due to family conflicts, domestic violence or drug use, among others. There are also involuntary disappearances, such as victims with restricted freedom, accidents or psychiatric crises, for example.

How to report a disappearance in the Federal District?

In case of disappearance, the Civil Police (PCDF) provides the following channels:

• WhatsApp (61) 98626 1197

• 197 Online Report:

There is also the Disque 100 service to report missing children anywhere in the country.

You can also contribute by sharing the list with photos of missing people in the Federal District by clicking here.

Other important links:

About the Keruv Institute

The Keruv Institute is a social institution that works to prevent and reduce the disappearance of people in Brazil and abroad.

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SCN Quadra 04, Bloco B, Sala 702 Edifício Varig Brasília - DF, 70.714-900

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